i dont know where to start.. banyak sangat kot yang nak ditulis dalam kepala otak aku ini... so many things happen this weekend.. exams, Hafsa Jumbo Sale and banyak lagi laa...
But before i go on let we all together recite Al-Fatihah for arwah abang Jali yang baru jer meninggal dunia hari Jumaat lepas disebabkan ketumbuhan yang sangat teruk dibahagian muka beliau. semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas beliau dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yang beriman. Amin.
Ok!! Alhamdulillah Syukur kepada Allah sebab kerana telah membenarkan segala yang dirancang berjalan dengan baik sekali utk Hafsa Jumbo Sale which was held for the 1st time ever.. and it was a great one!! seriously penat!! sampai lengoh and cram seluruh badan menghandle segala benda yang berlaku hari tu. Ramai gak yang participate.. ade laa lebih kurang 20 stall ~ actually it was suppose to be where students sells preloved items and sikit2 jer brand new ones..( chop did i sound like im one of the community who organize this?.. huhuhu Oppss ). but it turns out they sells everything and yess it was awesome!! everybody have a little something to share and sell on that day.. Now i seriously believed that Someone elses junk.. is another person treasure... dont under estimate the power of selling Preloved items people!! preloved Rock!! and it gives good money..
i open up a stall too :p!! the name was The Chicaaz.. ade ape ye di kedai sederhana saya.. ade Henna palm drawing, Second hand text books,tudung, baju kurung, jubah, kasut ( semua nie bukan laa semuanya hak milik peribadi.. ade gak yang kawan2 letak kat stall nie).. and yang nie semua yang preloved.. yang brand new plak- cute pjamas, tudung ekin, tudung selendang owhh yess and hasil kerja tangan saya sendiri that is handmade beaded bookmark!! huhuhu
Alhamdulillah again because nearly all of my stuff were sold on that day.. and i cant describe how tired my fingers were after the sale because i draw henna on nearly more than 20 palm .. however i was soo happy with what im doing...i love it!! enjoy it!! and i want to do it again next time!! cant wait for the next Jumbo Sale!!
and yess thanks to all of my lovely and supportive frens for being very helpfull on that day and also giving me cool ideas in order to make this event a a successfull one!! thankyou Girls!!(K.zuzu, Sumayyah,Iman,Hamieza,Husniyah,Imtinan,ana,khai and Tim)...
and anyway exam ds tadi tak best and hampa sebab satu soklan boleh jawab satu lagi takleh jawab!! dahlahh kelas tu panass sangat.. rase cam dlm sauna pun adee....huhuhuhu