Thursday, May 27, 2010

Me Time

so nak cerita ape ehh hari ni?..tadi pagi macam banyak benda nak cerita and tak sabar2 nak taip blog.. hmmm... let me think~

owhh hari ni sampai awal...awal gila gak laaa... around 7.40am i think...i was the first one to arrived at my floor.. the first one to open the office..and some of the lights are still not turn on in the walk way.. when the lift open it was a lil bit dark... but then i'm not scared..but then proud to be the 1st one to arrive at my floor.. usually i'm the first one to arrive at my office.. but today i break the record to be the first one to arrive at my the floor..huuuuuuuhu!! Yeahhh!! hahahha

i take my seat behind this small cubicle...immediately turned on the laptop and eat my breakfast. Bibik yang masak~.. i bungkuskan jerr...

it was quite..

it was peaceful..

it was heaven...

but i like it only when its in the morning...because to start off the day we need some time to plan what to do.. and of course to enjoy breakfast ..hehheh.. anyway breakfast is the most important meal right?..heheh

The point IS...

We do NEED time on our own..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hari ini merupakan satu pencapaian. Hari ini merupakan hari kedua aku berjaya menunaikan puasa naza ku.
And YESS!! dah habis dah 2 hari puasa dari banyak lagi bilangan puasa yang tak mahu aku nyatakn disini..(hahaha poyo).

Pejam celik pejam celik lagi setengah jam aku akan pulang ke rumah... tak sabar rasanya untuk melepak dan menggeliat depan TV. Owhh i must say that lately my time of leisure had been cut short because of work.. and if only i have some, it will be full of hard work of painting and doing the final touches of our my house... and so i miss it badly...

what are you looking at?.. this is my place and remote.. shhoohhhh

I feel older today.. not in the sense of age.. welll yeahh i know i'm old.. but in terms of maturity i can say I'm half cooked...hahhaaha... not yet ready and still too naive to face the real world..
well..basically i went to KWSP today... registered as a new member there.. it was fast and easy... so now i officially have an EPF account...
it is a big step for me... maybe not for other people.. as some already have it at 18... but not for me.. i'm still new.. hot from the oven..

while waiting for sue to finish off hers( she has some problem with her it took sometime..) at the waiting area.. i have this strange some sort of calming feelings...
i feel old~
i dont know why that i feel older...
just a little bit wiser maybe... but then again i feel scared...
scared of the truth that now i am old.. now that i have to make big decision.. now that i have to work to earn money... i have to plan my future... and wondering if what am i doing is correct... too much too think in too little time... it makes my mind feel tiny.. making me feel small as an ant...

and now.. right at this moment i surrender... surrender to Allah that he knows the best.. what i can do is to plan.. to try the best that i can.. to take and think at every opportunity that was given... as i am just human... and mighty Allah is the ruler of the world.. lead me to right path.. light up the right way...make my path easy.. Aminn

i have goosebumps all over my body...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

getting back the pace...

Its Monday...

and Monday has always been a gloomy day
Its not Monday's fault..Its Nobody's fault...
Its just maybe the sound of Monday makes your heart washed away
Washed away by the warm duvet in your bed while lazing around that Sunday...

Yess!! Sunday!!

So is it Sunday's fault then?...
Nopp!!...Sunday was meant for you to be lazy.. to curled up and dumped yourself in a pile of cushions and pillows..having lunch and dinner in bed..because breakfast is a must on Sunday... so for SURE its not Sunday's fault...

Then who's fault that I'm having this awful Monday?
Arghhhh!!! I'm still trying to cope with my Monday...
owhh Monday~.. please make my day...

have a wonderful monDay

p.s: this finally make me smile.. i hope u will too..

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