this is my first time.... and theres always a first time to everything.. and this time i never think it could happen...maybe my parents have to accept that im growing up no w... or dgn lebih tepat lagi i am already a grown up... finally i got to go on some SMALL (only 5 people), SHORT (only 1 day to be exact), VERY NEAR (its only in Bagan Lalang laaa) and still i am NOT the one who drove the car... ( sad and lame, owh yes and im a 23 years old girl).... i guess i never get that sort of believe from my parents, maybe till i get married... and when i get married i'll be cuff to another commitment.... but i really really hope that they will trust me... i dont know when... and i dont know wheather they will...

amy: aku yakin ade biawak besar kat tepi tuehh..bunyik dia dahsyat.. WOsshhh..
tim: alamak aku cuakk...cepat2 kita ketepi...
iman dengan gaya yg comel n kembang2 sebab leh buat stunt...
To hell with freedom or overprotected issue.. dapat peluang bercuti dan keluar bersama Gadis Sunti pun dah cukup baik... SO KITA ENJOY!!... we did lot of fun things together...cycling, mandi pantai,naik bola2 air (or whatever you call those giant pelampung yg iman, k.zuzu and imtinan naik tue-dia macam wheel yg hamster main tue tp terapung ata air.. ), naik kenu, main bola tampar... and of course makan2... kitaorang pg makan siput dkt tempat yg kononnye plg best kat bagan lalang tue... tp senanye taklaa kick sgt...biasa jerr... but we get to eat that long siput called Pepatah~ ke Pepahat ntah? huhuhuhuh
tim: alamak aku cuakk...cepat2 kita ketepi...

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