well it did happen last time with all four of us (hamieza, iman, kak zuzu and me).. but this time minuce all the girly stuff .. its more of a woman stuff..hahahhahaha.. we did some cooking and watching movies.. owhh yess and i showed them my primary school, my hangout place and the small air terjun i used to tangkap ikan keli with all my girlfriends..huhuh it was fun... we did panjat the air terjun but the air terjun was not like when i was small.. air dia dah sikit.. so dah tak shiok sgt laa.. pastu dah tak bersih cam dulu...huhuhu
the next day we went to 3K inn hotel for the Payless book warehouse sale.... there were TONSSS of book there... and i just cant let them go just like that.. so i bought a few.. kak zuzu and hamieza did too...iman jer takk beli..uhuhuhu but then im telling you guys that dont ever miss Payless warehouse sale.. cause they are soo worth it to go... enough with all the book hunting we went back to my place and pack our stuff for uia... and thats the end of fun sleepover... and i sure hope that we will have that again... and all my girfriends will be there...huhuhu ok then
one book that really caught my eyes.. but it didn't catch my heart to buy it..

one book that really caught my eyes.. but it didn't catch my heart to buy it..
chierrss... n
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