i'm actually on engineering industrial training with a company near my place in Pusat Bandar Sri Gombak. i can say that it is also very near to UIA as well... the same damn old road~.. just a lil bit nearer...owh yeay! damn boring! i know that the company i applied was supposed to be near but not as near as this and not to be at the same exact route that i use everyday before this...wawawaw! but oklaaa~ fine~ i did meet a bunch of new people~... just that i really hope that maybe things will be more interesting next time...
see how relax this company is.. even the signboard is only printed on a piece of paper and paste to the wall... hahhahahah... on my 1st day i just cant find the office because i was searching for the big signboard...hahahaha.. aiyoyo~
so its already been a week m doing my internship with Jalinan Engineering... and this is basically what we have done last week..
chitchatting..a nd conducting our own meeting.. while other staff are working... we asked for work ya know~ its not like that we didnt.. hahhah

amy!!!eh, my first week of eit osso boring gile la.hahhHAHH.Anyway, happy working:-)
eleh,nak meet up konon..haha.kt free je.so,when's our date??
ps:will be waiting.hahah.muahhssss!!!!
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