My baking project this time was an easy one.. with the help of my two pastry chefs... they obey my orders and surprisingly manage to behave and did not make any mess... heheheheh.. with their help .. i manage to bake this delicious crunchy soft cookies in no time.. VICTORY!!... my dad and my sis and of course the little pastry chefs themselves love it... they cant just get enough with one bite.. always followed by another...
Anith don't blame me for this delicious cookies.. blame the little chefs..
they are the one who make the cookies.. hehe.. so u better eat a lot.. without any guilt..
anyway thanks bibik for helping me too.. hmm.. bibik did the washing for me... hhehehe i escaped~.. malas~.. time i will wash them myself..hehehhe

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awww so cute amy! now i miss the hot-gucci-kenit niece of mine :( and the cookies are inviting! way to go iron lady!!! ade budak2 kecik nie.. sonok layan diaorg.. ehh anyway awak buat anak laaa... lg bestt!!..ahhaha
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