sian dia...tade benda leh buat...asyik dok mengadap laptop and tv jerr... so aku pun dengan konon2 sangat bergaya menyuruh dia membuat jadual harian..more of a checklist of what she is suppose to do..let say she finish all the things on the list then she will get rewarded... tp tak tahulaaa plakkk aku nak kasi pe kat minah nie...adoiyaiii!!!
aku senanrnye ade gak rase cam aku nie practice jd ummi, ibu atau emak...hahaha... layan adik aku sorang nie pun dahh payah glerr...but aku berjaya menyuruh dia mengemas bilik dia...since that my "sweet big sister" strategy didnt work.. i change to the "fierce baby sister eating monster" with the high peach screaming and yelling power that i had spring cleaning was successfully done in this awfully midnight raining musim tengkujuh...hhahahahaha
ok then m off to bantalbusuk is calling me....heeehh

zasssss... have a colourful dream....
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