Thursday, May 27, 2010

Me Time

so nak cerita ape ehh hari ni?..tadi pagi macam banyak benda nak cerita and tak sabar2 nak taip blog.. hmmm... let me think~

owhh hari ni sampai awal...awal gila gak laaa... around 7.40am i think...i was the first one to arrived at my floor.. the first one to open the office..and some of the lights are still not turn on in the walk way.. when the lift open it was a lil bit dark... but then i'm not scared..but then proud to be the 1st one to arrive at my floor.. usually i'm the first one to arrive at my office.. but today i break the record to be the first one to arrive at my the floor..huuuuuuuhu!! Yeahhh!! hahahha

i take my seat behind this small cubicle...immediately turned on the laptop and eat my breakfast. Bibik yang masak~.. i bungkuskan jerr...

it was quite..

it was peaceful..

it was heaven...

but i like it only when its in the morning...because to start off the day we need some time to plan what to do.. and of course to enjoy breakfast ..hehheh.. anyway breakfast is the most important meal right?..heheh

The point IS...

We do NEED time on our own..


mieza said...


wow, enjoying working life nampak..
kite pn bakal start keje jgk starting next month. =DD
heehee tasabaaa..

tht's true we need some time on our own. tp slalunya introverts like to spend time on their own.(like me!)
not to say, diorang tak suka socialize, tp sometimes, we appreciate the time we get for ourselves.

tp kite x rasa amy introvert. amy cam 90% extrovert..10% introvert kot. tul tak?

p/s:do post more entries..huhu..n gambar plzz..gamba..

Amy Syairah said...

hahahahha!!! mieza congrates darling!!! keje kat mana?... hugss..proud of you!!

well u see me as an extrovert.. but inside~ i do like some privacy..hehhehe

anyway haritu kita jumpa marissa..ble lahh kita leh jumpa hamieza plakk nie...tak sabar dah..

skrg tgh rajin berblogging...hahah tapi tuelaa gbr tade sgt.. camera tade.. sedihkan.. bile dah dpt duit kene laa simpan duit sikit beli camera..tapi bkn dslr kot..tak cukup duit..hahah

common beb..bile kita leh kuar?..urbanscapes? letss

mieza said...

amy yess! urbanscapes jom! 100 times yes nak g urbanscapes ngan amy. jadi tau?

kite keje kat dunham-bush, it's in kajang. so dkt gler ngan umah.

Amy Syairah said...

woww!!! tahniah darling~.. yess mari kita pg Urbanscape bersama!! its a must.. i dont want to miss it diz year.. i enjoyed it soo much last year.. that i must come again this year...hehhehe lets save the date.. alamak lupa nak ckp kat mak kita..haha

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